The combination of a text message from a mate on holiday in New York reporting he was off to the majestic Katz’s Deli and a Friday off work was all the impetus needed to abandon plans for Christmas shopping and head to Delifonseca at Brunswick Dock, in search of great sandwich action. Already busy when we arrived, we were shown to a booth more than big enough to house the space that even the shortest trip out with a sixteen-week old baby demands. There was no massive inspection of the menu required, my jealousy at the aforementioned trip to Katz’s meant I was always going to be choosing pastrami, while Catherine had enjoyed the muffulleta on a previous visit and ordered that.
Both were excellent. The pastrami was of a high quality and was accompanied by a lovely deep mustard dip and monster gherkin. If anything, the muffulleta was unexpectedly slightly better, a generously stacked focaccia combination of Comte cheese, salami and prosciutto. Both were served with a portion of fresh and tasty chips – not enough if I was to criticise, but then I am a greedy get. I should also mention the well-dressed greenery that was a welcome addition to the plate rather than just taking up space on it.
As it was a flying lunchtime visit we did not take up one of the very decent dessert options or sample one of the many available bottled beers, which pleasingly included representatives from the Cains, Wapping and Liverpool Organic Breweries. We did though have a quick look round the deli, always a battle between heart and wallet, and ended up with some pasta and some pudding for the evening.
Well worth getting involved.
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